Simple Life

Simple Life

Thursday, July 25, 2013


By Greg Evans

Do you think your the first person to learn that your spouse went out to the nightclub and ended tangled in some stranger's bed sheets after being ravished in a drunken haze of moans and grunts. All the while you are home with the kids wondering where so and so is. Come morning your frantically calling and sending out text messages while your "significant" other is going for another round feeling like a new person and realizing that the stuffy, boring, mundane marriage is what was making life so miserable. You are the reason why they are so exasperated at having to simply wake up and go off to the lousy job. All their friends are either divorced or cheating and your spouse as contemplated it a couple of times, maybe even going so far as to make out with someone while on the "girls," or "guys" only vacations. Now people get very offended when you say to them that their spouse may be interested in other people. Don't be so shocked. 85% of married persons have contemplated adultery and who knows how many have actually gone racing around the bases when the opportunity has posed itself.

We must understand that this kind of behavior has been going on since the cave men times, but it seems that with the decline of society and the regular misunderstanding of the whole marriage idea, people are loosing their grip on reality, forgetting that kids are psychologically sensitive and these wives and husbands are running around like college freshmen and society is not only accepting of the behavior but they often offer lucrative television deals to film the salty lifestyle. Are you one of those cheaters? Is society the problem? Is it the fact that you are too lazy and can't handle the reality that life isn't supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be work? Is the problem simply because you are a big tool with no future but the joys and mysterious of the VD. There was once a time when life pretended to be pure and wholesome. And having that illusion helped the kids to believe that that was the way it was until they were old enough to think for themselves but they loved the illusion so they raised their own kids in a like fashion. Let's give the kids the illusion again.

Does it matter what kind of affair it was, whether it was a spur of the moment, one-night-stand or something that started as a "friendship" and turned into hot sweaty porky. And here is a question that might hold a drop of ambiguity. Would sex talk over the internet in a chatroom be considered having an affair and be worthy of a spouse filing for adulterous behavior? Would it make a difference if it was just a random screen name or whether it was an actual person that he/she actually knows? None of it would make any difference. People have a certain character and you are either of high quality or you are a weak, spineless loser and if you happen to be one of those, then go sign up for that one-way trip of no return to Mars. You won't be missed.

Earlier today, I spoke with a young lady, we'll call her Holly, who told me her heart breaking tale of raising two kids on her own, struggling in this terrible economy and it was all because her husband of many years couldn't stop cheating. Notice the use of words there. He couldn't stop cheating which meant that he had been caught and was given a second chance and couldn't keep it in his pants. What is wrong with people? Two kids, a seemingly nice woman and you run all over town probably with the ugliest, filthiest cows the night club can produce. You all know people out there in similar situations and by no means is it always men who are the lechers. Women are far from saintly. There are a few saints out there but they are hard to come by. Now what makes it difficult to protect yourself against the cheaters is difficult because just because they run around doesn't mean they aren't nice people. And by nice I mean, a friend or a sibling may be into the adultery movement but they are still the same buddy or sibling as before. So it is tricky to sift through the BS to figure out these crack pots before they play their turn on you and hurt you. These wretches come in all packages, some outgoing, some quiet, some party goers, some more homebodies who find the UPS guy or girl a catch, you really have to depend on your intuition to pick and choose your spouse or significant other and even if you are the most attentive and careful person in the world, you may just get betrayed without ever having any red flags.

It is a sensitive subject for many people and for many people who have experienced it it becomes difficult to learn how to fully trust again. But one good thing is that it is a big world with a lot of people in it. Get out there and take a risk or two, you may be surprised.

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