Simple Life

Simple Life

Monday, July 15, 2013


By Greg Evans

For 100,000 years, maybe as far back as half a million years, give or take, people have been catching fish in the oceans, rivers and lakes of the world and consuming them. And there are cultures known for subsisting mainly on fish and are also known to have long life expectancies and low instances of debilitating and dangerous diseases for example, heart disease, angina pectoris, different cancers, etc. Then some chump doctor cooks up the idea that somehow eating omega-3 fatty acid which is in many of the fish consumed gives you prostate cancer which is absurd and yet news syndicates gave these quacks their 15 minutes of fame which is all they wanted in the first place. Before cancer became a household name, due to the fact that regular use of chemicals in everything we use from the cars we drive to the food we eat thereby increasing those with a propensity to succumb to cancer getting the horrible cell mutation, people were eating fish just as often as they do today.

Just this morning I read the title of an article on an online news site that said to the effect, "Eating Junk Food Helps Lower Obesity." If that is not the most derisory, cockamamy bunch of pill popping babble, how in the world would that ever make any sense. Last week fish oil (omega-3) causes cancer and now junk food makes fat people skinny...? The only way fat people can get skinny, as I mentioned in an article last week, is to eat healthy food and exercise. Maybe I should win the Nobel Prize for that statement. The real moral to the story is to use a little bit of common sense, even when it comes to your diet. If fish was so bad for you then the human race would have become extinct a long time ago. If you take supplemental omega-3 gel caps then take them with moderation. Nature strives for balance in everything no matter what it is the world tries to maintain balance and when that law is violated is when you knowingly or unknowingly put yourself at risk with high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, etc. It's the same as if you put salt on your food for every meal by 50 you can expect a stroke or if you eat soft cheese everyday or fast food by 50 you can expect a heart attack or if you smoke a pack a day for 30 years you can be pretty sure that you'll come down with either lung cancer or emphysema, or some other hideous affliction. Drink too much liquor and you end up with cirrhosis of the liver Take a step back and think about your bad habits.

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