Simple Life

Simple Life

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The puzzling issue we have been hearing lately ad nauesa is the new bullying corollary. The abominate misfit Type A personality getting in the face of Type B, C, or D and calling them names or slugging them or singling them out and pegging them with peanuts or spit balls and what was once settled in the hallway, parking lot or ball field with a quick jab to the cheek or knee to the gut ends up on the nightly news and people are taking their own lives or quitting jobs because they feel hurt? What the hell is going on? I am repulsed by the idea of bullying and the people who think they are somehow so tough and perfect they can go around putting other people down or hurting their feelings. Back in the good old days they wouldn't have lasted a week before some skinny little glasses wearing schmendreck clocks them right in the nose a couple of times and puts them down on their ass. That was the way it used to be but now the idea of standing up for yourself in school, work or on the ball field is so frowned upon that kids are taught to "ignore" it and turn the other shoulder. These kids are terrified of being beaten up or being embarrassed and are going through a difficult period of adolescence and they should understand that it is OK to stand up for yourself. They should be allowed to defend their honor and self worth and if it comes down to a school yard drumming of some oversized pecker than so be it. You can bet the bully wouldn't be picking on them any longer after that and if they think they are smart and start at it again give them another drumming. The problem is that kids today have no discipline and have no sense of respect. What happened to kids getting a good hard old fashioned paddling in the principles office or even better, by the teacher in the front of the classroom in front of all the other students. Enough is enough! It is time to get off this new world of tolerance and weakness and sensitivity. Everyone is sick of it, especially me, dammit! If I was twelve again and some oaf came along and tried to give me a wedgy you can bet he would be eating some teeth and I'd probably be handcuffed and led off to the local jail for a week and then sent to Arizona to some barbaric reform school to be molested by creepy guards in the middle of the desert. I'm not trying to come off as some big tough guy, I'm far from it, but I came up in a time when you had to stand up for yourself and we were encouraged never to back down from bullies. Not like kids today and look at what is happening: Rampant suicide, school shootings, group assaults, rampant drug abuse, and everything else that goes along with mislead youth in a society that has been turned upside down. There is no longer religion, no longer holidays, no longer individual cultures, no longer anything that has any meaning. Half the country doesn't work, half the country aren't citizens, half the country is on drugs and it is all considered acceptable by the freak establishment.

So the challenge is put to all of you out there who still care and who want to go back to the way it once was before. There was once a world we held in high esteem and for the youth, at least, there was the illusion of something worth living for and striving to become the best and finding that which they are great at and having a fulfilling life. It can still exist despite the societal pollution suffocating us. Why can't kids go to school to learn and move forward. That is what it is about, that is what life is about. To use your God given gifts to enrich the world around you and if there is a bully getting in the way put the bully on his ass and move on past him or her. The bullying involves girls as well and in my opinion girls can be even more brutal to each other than guys. And if all this internet nonsense doesn't stop then take the teenagers laptop and throw it out the window and get in their face and tell them to shape up. SHAPE UP! Get your shit together and stop acting like a whiny, promiscuous, pot head and start building up those around you instead of tearing them down. Start giving back to society instead of adding to the decay of this miserable landfill it is becoming. I'm just plain sick of it and I know millions out there are also. Now I'm worked up.

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