Simple Life

Simple Life

Saturday, August 3, 2013


By Greg Evans

I was planning on writing a political rant but I can't figure out what to write anymore that is more bizarre then the political upheavals strangling governments around the globe today. It has become like a fungus farm. The whole world is on the verge of implosion and all people can think about is what kind of fried chicken they are going to wait in ungodly long lines to purchase. Traffic and food lines are the norm and anyone with any shred of nostalgia remembers a time before all of this. Before the global warming and the bans on super size sodas and extra salted french fries on top of banana splits. Before Greece became a state of hippies and occupiers instead of lucrative wineries and olive orchards. Everything is moving backwards and it is reverberating across the farthest reaches of the most endless oceans. Every country except for maybe Iceland and Andorra are having some form of political turmoil whether it be violent protests, financial market crashes, communistic ideologies, internet porn issues, foreign born people being put into highest office of a nation and then shredding it to pieces, civil war, diversity problems, amnesty issues and heaven only knows what else.

It has become a sodomites paradise and anyone charged with a crime only has to plead dumb and on food stamps and are granted an acquittal. Once a world of fascinating cultures and great food, interesting music, vibrant clothing and colorful languages has turned into the sludge underneath the outhouse, the septic fluids stinking up the neighborhood and all anyone can do is wrap a cloth over their nose and pray that taxes aren't jacked up another 30%. Why should the able bodied poor have to work when they can collect $33,000 a year for sitting on their sofas and eating fritos. These rotten drunks with their unwashed mane and overgrown lawns have become the new Jones's. Forget working like a dog for a living and trying to raise a wholesome family. It's all about getting an easy lay, buying cigarettes and 40 ounce malt liquors with your government debit card and sitting out in the yard on a pissed drenched couch taking in Riki Lake and the House wives of New Jersey. I read about those two bums about to face the music for a possible 30 year jail sentence. I'd give them the noose. Everything is turned upside down and I have a small inkling of who to blame. It has been a cumulative effect and somehow, due to the fact that the average person is a good-for-nothing itch, the rest of society has to make up for their degeneration. I've had it with everything. I know you tuned in tonight to read something uplifting or humorous but I'm simply not in the mood. 

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