Simple Life

Simple Life

Saturday, June 29, 2013


By Greg Evans

I was lying on the floor playing with my daughter when I felt a strange initially mild sting on my right wrist that quickly increased in intensity. Then a fairly intense burning sensation could be felt around the spot of the wound. I thought at first it was a wasp sting but the burning then began racing up my arm and into my chest area and back down my arm and the tips of my fingers began to tingle. My arm then felt extremely heavy and I looked at the wound and watch it morphing into different shapes and colors. It looked like a rotten fried egg, similar to a mosquito bite surrounded by a redness and I knew then that it wasn't a wasp sting but some kind of spider. I could see venom drainage being discharged by the wound and I washed it away with cool water. At first I feared angina pectoris and I phoned my mother-in-law and asked her to call me back in fifteen minutes and if I don't respond than I would probably be dead and to come pick up the kid. I searched the area of the attack for the culprit but I couldn't locate the wretched arachnid. For hours a mild burning and itchy feeling continued and the wound swelled considerably and then the venom began eating away my flesh at a rapid pace. Over the next three days the venom continued to feast on my wound and began eating into my wrist. Finally feeling frightened after a night of nausea and dizziness I went to the doctor and was prescribed a strong ointment. I have been using the cream now for multiple weeks and the wound is doing much better. I think one day it will heal completely but there will be at least a 1/2 inch scar in its place.

For those who think they may have been mauled by a similar demon the first thing to do is get ice directly on the wound but don't leave it on too long. You also want to try and remain calm because the anxiety will help the venom to travel faster through your system. Then get to a doctor as soon as possible. I should have also and because I didn't I will have a noticeable scar. The one thing I am thankful for is that I was gorged by the monster and not my daughter. After doing research on the creatures I learned that there are around four species of the spider and not all the attacks result in the horror stories their reputations carry. Most recluse attacks are mild and must be cared for as any poisonous spider attack but it is rare for it to be fatal in healthy adults unless you have some pre-existing condition. They live in dark undisturbed areas like closets, in unused beds, log piles, crawl spaces, etc. Stay vigilant my friends!

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