Simple Life

Monday, November 25, 2013
In a few weeks, if you look up into the big wide sky above, you may very well see moving at the pace of a drunk snail, a white fuzzy bright object in the sky. What that object is is a comet that astronomers claim has existed since the beginning of time. To many people out there it is just a stupid rock plummeting through space going nowhere important, much too fast but the reality of the situation is that it really drums home, at least for me, just how miniscule we are in proportion to the universe and how short a time each one of us is here and the human race for that matter. Everyone running around taking themselves so seriously and we've dealt with this topic before. People should take themselves seriously up to a point because if you don't, what does this world really mean. What is the point of getting up everyday and going off to that lousy job you hate and grinding away for 10 hours for peanuts. Its enough to drive anyone to drink. The expanse of time over the course of the existence of everything is far too grand a scale for the average mind to wrap its head around. That is why we have brainy physicists and astronomers, most of whom are drunks and sex maniacs, because only those types of people have the capacity to nit-pick through the gibberish and not go stone-cold crazy. What is the difference between the Vice President of a company, the rock star, to the cashier or the garbage collector in the small rural town? Is it work ethic, chance, luck, circumstance, vision, or is everything irrelevant and we are here for no purpose whatsoever? I like to believe we are here for the purpose of becoming the best possible person we can and learning to find some sort of enjoyment in this world even though most of us suffer from regular bouts of depression. I know I do but I also find enjoyment in my daughter and salvation in my work, my writing and painting. Creating things give this life meaning, at least it does to me. How often do you lay awake at night in the dark and ponder life and wonder what we are doing here? Probably very few of you. Most of you are too high on bath salts and the Chronic to think about anything let alone give a damn about anything. And if you aren't cooked on angel dust than you are running around knocking out the elderly and women and running home to play Grand Theft Auto and watch pornography. Another generation caught up in a delusion and those that lived in saner times stare at the hour glass and wonder when it will finally run out. Or has every time been insane for those who lived in them? There may have been more violent times in the past but today, now, takes the cake for weirdest. We, from the old world, sit in our recliners with our vodkas and stare out the window at the empty streets that were once filled with children playing We stare at the once safe streets plagued with violent youths beating people into bloody pulps with no consequences for their actions. Instead of people sitting around home cooked dinners they are gorging on chemically enhanced test tube grown fast food. And then you wake up and find yourself on the floor of the outhouse, still drunk off the roofie your local Congressman stuck in your drink before violating you in every horrible manner possible. Sleep on that one.
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