It's Thanksgiving again. Today is my favorite holiday but once again it doesn't feel like Thanksgiving. I don't know what it is, maybe it is the fact that America doesn't feel like America anymore so I can no longer get into the happy-go-lucky mood I once did when I was six and my mother was slaving over the stove for three days. I remember the smells permeating through our house, the relatives showing up, everyone drinking and smoking at the kitchen table, eating ourselves into comatose. Then for the long weekend everyone slept anywhere they could find a soft place to lie down and we'd eat leftovers and tell stories and watch old great movies from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Those days are long gone now and a lot of the people who used to participate in those wonderful days are either gone or we have moved on, relocated to strange parts of the country or other countries for that matter in search of your own utopia, but as the times have changed in society, so have the traditional holidays. Nobody stays in the same place anymore. I didn't, I traveled out on the open road to see what was out there. But there are times when I want to uproot and return to the place of my birth. But then if I do what if it isn't the way I remember? So you have to weigh the pros and cons of doing impulsive things like changing your entire life. I woke up as usual at 4:30 this morning, put on a pot of coffee and went downstairs to my computer and got to work. Every morning, week days, weekends, holidays, doesn't matter, every day is a work day. But that isn't the reason why Thanksgiving doesn't feel like Thanksgiving. The White House in the District of Columbia no longer carries and magic and tradition for me anymore and society in general doesn't remind me of the society of good hardworking people I knew as a child. It's a wrecked image. I wouldn't be surprised if Turkey is no longer going to be considered the Traditional dish for Thanksgiving and instead it will be Ugali in the new America.
Thanksgiving was supposed to be December 4 when the settlers arrived in 1619 and declared that day a day of Thanksgiving because they survived the wretched crossing of the ocean and landed in a freezing land with no food, so the locales decide to help them because they are nice and they provide them all kinds of great food. Well two years later they grow an abundance of food and hold another Thanksgiving day in 1621. Then in 1622 those same Indians that helped them survive in 1619 are butchered by the settlers. The continental congress declared December 18th a day of Thanksgiving in 1777 but there was probably a recession and people weren't interested in giving thanks for anything and still cursed the lefty King of England for trying to tax them like a mad community activist. Thanksgiving was pretty much forgotten until Abraham Lincoln declared November 26 a national holiday. People viewed Thanksgiving back then in terms of feeling truly grateful to God for being provided a means to survive. Today in America Thanksgiving is receiving government wicks to purchase marijuana and cheese doodles. If you want a feel good image of what Thanksgiving once was for us from the old world Google Home To Thanksgiving a lithograph published by Currier and Ives in the 19th century. Ah...the nostalgia.
But sure when the Turkey and the rest of the dishes are properly cooked, immediate family visiting, I can go back to those wonderful years, even if it is, say late July, it is the atmosphere that we remember most isn't it. For those preparing the food they are pulling their hair out, cursing under their breath, thinking to themselves, "This is the last darn year of this nonsense! Next year it is Shoney's!" But for the little ones and those visiting it is a wonderful celebration. It is a time when we can eat ourselves sick and not feel guilty about it. It is a time when we can look back on past times without feeling regretful, or sad. They are happy, fun times and for those who keep to the great traditions of our religious past and ignore the curse of today's "higher ups, community activists and feminists" who want nothing more than to eliminate all traditions so the people will be stripped of their cultures and identities. So in defiance I will begin in a matter of minutes a Turkey dinner with all the dressings for my little one so she will have those wonderful memories of the smells and the laughs and she will be able to tell her children someday when names are no longer printed on birth certificates and only numbers, of what the world was once like.
Maybe some of you cynics out there will say that you don't celebrate Thanksgiving anymore because you know how much butter and lard was smeared over the Turkey while it was cooking and then the rest of the dishes are more butter and lard than starch and you stand before the table and stare at the dishes steaming before you and you can already feel yourself getting fatter, your arteries becoming more and more clogged by thick sticky plaque and cholesterol. You stand there and have fleeting images of your headstone in the local cemetery with the inscription, One too many Thanksgivings! But if you are one of those who won't eat a great Thanksgiving meal because you are worried about your glutes and flappy underarms than you are the rotten stink bags that are helping to destroy all the wonderful traditions that we once had and the ones we were once allowed to celebrate in our schools growing up. Nowadays kids aren't allowed to celebrate anything except for Hitler's birthday. One part of the problem is that people throughout history had it tough. Forever people have had to work their fingers to the bone for anything that they wanted but nowadays with test tube grown everything, processed everything, government given everything nobody has to work hard anymore so they no longer appreciate anything because everything is so easy to get and it costs them nothing to get it. They sit there in front of their 77 inch flat screen T.V. with an HDVR watching Jerry Springer sucking own T.V. dinners purchased with food stamps delivered to their couch and they curse the holidays because their government aid isn't begin delivered on those days.
Happy Thanksgiving every one, go out and give your children something to remember, something positive and heartwarming. Teach them that the only way to have a truly great Thanksgiving is not to accept the government T.V. dinner and get out and work your rear end off to provide their family with their own Thanksgiving dinner. Then put in that time and prepare a wonderful meal with sweat, curses and frustration. And if the Turkey is as dry as a piece of Arizona flat rock at least you made the effort which is more than I can say about 88% of the population. In God we Trust and give thanks for our station in life and the hope that we can improve that station through patience and hard work and a strong faith.
Simple Life

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
In a few weeks, if you look up into the big wide sky above, you may very well see moving at the pace of a drunk snail, a white fuzzy bright object in the sky. What that object is is a comet that astronomers claim has existed since the beginning of time. To many people out there it is just a stupid rock plummeting through space going nowhere important, much too fast but the reality of the situation is that it really drums home, at least for me, just how miniscule we are in proportion to the universe and how short a time each one of us is here and the human race for that matter. Everyone running around taking themselves so seriously and we've dealt with this topic before. People should take themselves seriously up to a point because if you don't, what does this world really mean. What is the point of getting up everyday and going off to that lousy job you hate and grinding away for 10 hours for peanuts. Its enough to drive anyone to drink. The expanse of time over the course of the existence of everything is far too grand a scale for the average mind to wrap its head around. That is why we have brainy physicists and astronomers, most of whom are drunks and sex maniacs, because only those types of people have the capacity to nit-pick through the gibberish and not go stone-cold crazy. What is the difference between the Vice President of a company, the rock star, to the cashier or the garbage collector in the small rural town? Is it work ethic, chance, luck, circumstance, vision, or is everything irrelevant and we are here for no purpose whatsoever? I like to believe we are here for the purpose of becoming the best possible person we can and learning to find some sort of enjoyment in this world even though most of us suffer from regular bouts of depression. I know I do but I also find enjoyment in my daughter and salvation in my work, my writing and painting. Creating things give this life meaning, at least it does to me. How often do you lay awake at night in the dark and ponder life and wonder what we are doing here? Probably very few of you. Most of you are too high on bath salts and the Chronic to think about anything let alone give a damn about anything. And if you aren't cooked on angel dust than you are running around knocking out the elderly and women and running home to play Grand Theft Auto and watch pornography. Another generation caught up in a delusion and those that lived in saner times stare at the hour glass and wonder when it will finally run out. Or has every time been insane for those who lived in them? There may have been more violent times in the past but today, now, takes the cake for weirdest. We, from the old world, sit in our recliners with our vodkas and stare out the window at the empty streets that were once filled with children playing We stare at the once safe streets plagued with violent youths beating people into bloody pulps with no consequences for their actions. Instead of people sitting around home cooked dinners they are gorging on chemically enhanced test tube grown fast food. And then you wake up and find yourself on the floor of the outhouse, still drunk off the roofie your local Congressman stuck in your drink before violating you in every horrible manner possible. Sleep on that one.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
It takes a gang of weaklings in spandex to sucker punch someone in the back of the head. It represents, in the tangible form, the low that this country has fallen to and every facet of a once flourishing and promising republic continues its rapid and fetid decline. Every day we hear about news incidents involving bands of black kids running around sucker punching people in the head trying to knock them out. What next, they start running around with machetes and hacking people to see if they bleed red like Rwanda all over again? And then the victims will be forced to pay their attackers punitive damage fees after sensitivity training and community service for provoking the uneducated, mannerless bands of vultures. Is that where this country is headed. Sure it is! It has happened in the past and now it is going to happen again, but this time it is not some news story in between commercials. It will be taking place in your own back yard and when that happens then the children will have to witness everything first hand. And by the time you find it too unsafe to even to go the corner market, you will find that the press is completely run by the government and any reporter that leaves the reservation is imprisoned. It will be illegal to own any firearm and anyone who disobeys will be promptly imprisoned. Speaking against the regime will be grounds for imprisonment or execution and suddenly it will seem like 1939 or Iran after Jimmy Carter had the Shah deposed where parents had to be careful what they talked about in the home because if the children spilled the beans at school that their parents were belittling the ruling elites, then it was a one-way ticket to the concentration or death camps or a lengthy sentence in one of the overcrowded prisons or a painful death by stoning right there on the spot.
What kind of society turns the other cheek when coteries of youth wander around punching people for the fun of it? What happened to holding down a job or participating in athletics or hitting the books to improve their lives? The rap music culture has infiltrated every aspect of these kids lives and they think it is some badge of honor to be a schmuck running around stoned, dressed like a retard, ganging up on people as if that makes them tough. A group of ten teenage girls could beat up an elderly man…What it is is that these kids don't have any identity. They come out of homes where they aren't encouraged to study and become better. They are taught to hate and take handouts and many grow up in single parent homes where financial struggle is a way of life and often there is drug or alcohol abuse, and anger builds up and it becomes the fault of white people or the fault of society and it is the fault of their parents and the culture they are being mislead by and to find happiness and satisfaction would only come through personal improvement in the creation of a positive environment. Good luck with that. The whole rap culture that infects the black youth of these times is like a plague looking to destroy not only that culture but any other one that has to come in contact with it on a regular basis. Where did this all start and who is to blame for it? I have a pretty good guess but we'll just leave it at that for now. And I don't buy or fall for the whole race card nonsense. Too many years have passed and the current rap culture has had many opportunities to turn their lives and neighborhoods around and they don't do it and then run around attacking people as if it is everyone else's fault. TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR STATION IN LIFE. IT IS YOUR FAULT! YOU, SCHMUCK! YOU ROTTEN STINKING BUM TOO LAZY TO STUDY, TOO LAZY TO WORK! I'm sick of this, sick of it all! As I often do I will receive the hate emails but rest assure, you as well as I know the truth and therefore they are empty emails filled with nothing but gibberish. Why can't we raise our children in a world like the 1950's or even the 1980's. Every T.V. channel filled with filth, every song on the radio singing about drugs, promiscuity, transsexuality and everything else dysfunctional. Like an overflowing septic tank this country has become. No healthcare, no jobs, gas prices threw the roof, food prices through the roof, dangerous streets, dangerous cities and suburbs, too dangerous to travel abroad, too much financial unpredictability to ever retire, too much of everything that is bad and now it seems we are in too deep to be able to do anything about it. Political pundits talk about how the communist left has finally dug themselves in so deep they won't be able to climb out and ruin the country any worse than they already have…sure hope so, because if it falls we as a republic, if not already, are doomed to hell in a hooker outfit.
What kind of society turns the other cheek when coteries of youth wander around punching people for the fun of it? What happened to holding down a job or participating in athletics or hitting the books to improve their lives? The rap music culture has infiltrated every aspect of these kids lives and they think it is some badge of honor to be a schmuck running around stoned, dressed like a retard, ganging up on people as if that makes them tough. A group of ten teenage girls could beat up an elderly man…What it is is that these kids don't have any identity. They come out of homes where they aren't encouraged to study and become better. They are taught to hate and take handouts and many grow up in single parent homes where financial struggle is a way of life and often there is drug or alcohol abuse, and anger builds up and it becomes the fault of white people or the fault of society and it is the fault of their parents and the culture they are being mislead by and to find happiness and satisfaction would only come through personal improvement in the creation of a positive environment. Good luck with that. The whole rap culture that infects the black youth of these times is like a plague looking to destroy not only that culture but any other one that has to come in contact with it on a regular basis. Where did this all start and who is to blame for it? I have a pretty good guess but we'll just leave it at that for now. And I don't buy or fall for the whole race card nonsense. Too many years have passed and the current rap culture has had many opportunities to turn their lives and neighborhoods around and they don't do it and then run around attacking people as if it is everyone else's fault. TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR STATION IN LIFE. IT IS YOUR FAULT! YOU, SCHMUCK! YOU ROTTEN STINKING BUM TOO LAZY TO STUDY, TOO LAZY TO WORK! I'm sick of this, sick of it all! As I often do I will receive the hate emails but rest assure, you as well as I know the truth and therefore they are empty emails filled with nothing but gibberish. Why can't we raise our children in a world like the 1950's or even the 1980's. Every T.V. channel filled with filth, every song on the radio singing about drugs, promiscuity, transsexuality and everything else dysfunctional. Like an overflowing septic tank this country has become. No healthcare, no jobs, gas prices threw the roof, food prices through the roof, dangerous streets, dangerous cities and suburbs, too dangerous to travel abroad, too much financial unpredictability to ever retire, too much of everything that is bad and now it seems we are in too deep to be able to do anything about it. Political pundits talk about how the communist left has finally dug themselves in so deep they won't be able to climb out and ruin the country any worse than they already have…sure hope so, because if it falls we as a republic, if not already, are doomed to hell in a hooker outfit.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
At the age of thirty-three Mark Twain defined his life as "a foolish life made up of apprenticeships." In a day and age like today where nobody holds a job for longer than a few years, is that something that defines the era of 2000 - 2013? And before "Little Sam" was born, his father, John Clemens, spent the majority of his life searching for steady good paying work. He moved from place to place, working as a shop keeper, a lawyer, land owner, slave owner, handyman, judge, and other occupations that offered the possibility of earning a living a gentleman would be proud of but his lack of business skills and lack of charisma in his wake a list of failures. Can you relate? Are you one of those people who just keeps bouncing from job to job to job to job and you always view the position you currently hold just a job but nothing you will stay in long term because you are better than that. You are too good to be a cashier or a barista or a street sweeper or a fry cook. It is just TEMPORARY so therefore it isn't a career. You don't want to work until you move up to the next position and gradually work your way up through the levels of the company into management because you don't like that industry. Other industries are more appealing and you are too smart for your present industry and job. You are only living in the future because that is where the BMW or the Mercedes Benz and the Palm Tree Vacations are and currently you can barely scrape by on Thai Pad noodles or fish sticks from a bag after your awful shift as a cashier getting cursed out by some overweight schmuck with a mole. You went to college and this is the crap your stuck doing? All that money, all that time and this is where you are? This isn't the way life was supposed to turn out, you were supposed to be one of the lucky ones who landed the killer job or had the sweet family connection. But for the majority of you out there that is not the way it really is, THIS, here and now is the way it really is and you better get with the program before life passes you by. Things aren't going to magically happen and one day you will wake up lying on a bed of goose feathers with some half naked 21-year old with flowing blond hair feeding you grapes and roasted pheasant with plum sauce. If you are going to make anything of yourself you are going to have to dig it out of the rock hard ground with bloody fingertips and all the while you will have rotten scum bags standing around poking you and throwing pebbles and insults at you, all the while trying to steal every little bit that you work so hard to get. That is the reality for most of us out there. There is no pretty golden brick road leading us to some rose colored Oz. Find something that you think is half way interesting, get a low-level position because that is all you are worth at that point, get over yourself, not to mention it is the only position that will be offered to you and work your little bum off like a starving farmer. Make daily goals with the sole purpose of moving up within that company. Learn everything about the business you are presently working in regardless of how novice you may think it is, but rest assure it is important to someone. It must be important because the CEO is rolling in the bill folds because of the shit work and lousy hours you are suffering through. The wretched people you have to put up with on a daily basis, threatening you, complaining, arguing, cursing you and telling you you aren't even qualified to clean chamber pots let alone do the crap work you are doing. But many of those CEOs were once like you, scraping out a living by the skin of their teeth, wondering what tomorrow was going to bring. But the difference between them and you is that they had a vision, determination, and guts and they stuck with it, moved up the ladder knowing it was going to take 20-25 years and landed on the top. That can be you too if you can get off your illusion and dive into the frizzle.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
In Barrow Alaska the sun has set for the last time until January 22, 2014. Nearly two months of darkness for those people and you don't hear anyone up there complaining. They just do what they have to do, raising kids, shoveling snow, cooking up breakfast and going to work all in pitch darkness. Could I do it, even for just one year? Probably not. I would probably be found curled up in the living room with three inch fingernails, completely naked with milk jars filled with urine lining the walls. How do those people do it? If I had to guess I with a whole lot of good whiskey or maybe some vodka brought over the Bering Sea by dog sled. By January 21 I would be absolutely terrified that the sun would for some reason forget to rise on the 22nd. I imagine it takes a certain kind of person to be able to keep their heads. A similar kind of tedium one would have to face when, for example, trying to sign up for basic healthcare...
How many of you out there are sensitive to the weather and allow it to determine your mood either in the morning or throughout the day. I must admit that I am very much one of those people who simply can't ignore the weather no matter how hard I try, no matter how many curtains I draw, or how loud I turn up Jimmy Buffett on a chilly rainy day, I simply cannot seem to find myself under a shining, yellow, jelly, blob sun the size of Jupiter. If the weather is cold and rainy and damp and lousy I have to battle with myself not to feel just as lousy. Because I am this way is why I can relate to the people living in Barrow. But can I really relate to them, living in -40 degree weather, snow 10 months a year and no sun for nearly two months. Who am I kidding? I wouldn't survive six months up there.
How many of you out there are sensitive to the weather and allow it to determine your mood either in the morning or throughout the day. I must admit that I am very much one of those people who simply can't ignore the weather no matter how hard I try, no matter how many curtains I draw, or how loud I turn up Jimmy Buffett on a chilly rainy day, I simply cannot seem to find myself under a shining, yellow, jelly, blob sun the size of Jupiter. If the weather is cold and rainy and damp and lousy I have to battle with myself not to feel just as lousy. Because I am this way is why I can relate to the people living in Barrow. But can I really relate to them, living in -40 degree weather, snow 10 months a year and no sun for nearly two months. Who am I kidding? I wouldn't survive six months up there.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
This youtube video is an interview given by the Museum of La Noria in Sinaloa Mexico to a woman named Marisol Lizarraga who was familiar with the story of Roberto Conde. Roberto Conde is my great-great-grandfather and once ran a successful mescal/pulque/tequila business on the grounds of Hacienda Las Moras which is now a beautiful luxury hotel located at the base of Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains about 40 miles northeast of Mazatlan. Anyone who is familiar with Roberto Conde's story feel free to email me (Greg) at The story is located in the archives belong under OFF THE BEATEN PATH.
This youtube video is an interview given by the Museum of La Noria in Sinaloa Mexico to a woman named Marisol Lizarraga who was familiar with the story of Roberto Conde. Roberto Conde is my great-great-grandfather and once ran a successful mescal/pulque/tequila business on the grounds of Hacienda Las Moras which is now a beautiful luxury hotel located at the base of Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains about 40 miles northeast of Mazatlan. Anyone who is familiar with Roberto Conde's story feel free to email me (Greg) at The story is located in the archives belong under OFF THE BEATEN PATH.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
The puzzling issue we have been hearing lately ad nauesa is the new bullying corollary. The abominate misfit Type A personality getting in the face of Type B, C, or D and calling them names or slugging them or singling them out and pegging them with peanuts or spit balls and what was once settled in the hallway, parking lot or ball field with a quick jab to the cheek or knee to the gut ends up on the nightly news and people are taking their own lives or quitting jobs because they feel hurt? What the hell is going on? I am repulsed by the idea of bullying and the people who think they are somehow so tough and perfect they can go around putting other people down or hurting their feelings. Back in the good old days they wouldn't have lasted a week before some skinny little glasses wearing schmendreck clocks them right in the nose a couple of times and puts them down on their ass. That was the way it used to be but now the idea of standing up for yourself in school, work or on the ball field is so frowned upon that kids are taught to "ignore" it and turn the other shoulder. These kids are terrified of being beaten up or being embarrassed and are going through a difficult period of adolescence and they should understand that it is OK to stand up for yourself. They should be allowed to defend their honor and self worth and if it comes down to a school yard drumming of some oversized pecker than so be it. You can bet the bully wouldn't be picking on them any longer after that and if they think they are smart and start at it again give them another drumming. The problem is that kids today have no discipline and have no sense of respect. What happened to kids getting a good hard old fashioned paddling in the principles office or even better, by the teacher in the front of the classroom in front of all the other students. Enough is enough! It is time to get off this new world of tolerance and weakness and sensitivity. Everyone is sick of it, especially me, dammit! If I was twelve again and some oaf came along and tried to give me a wedgy you can bet he would be eating some teeth and I'd probably be handcuffed and led off to the local jail for a week and then sent to Arizona to some barbaric reform school to be molested by creepy guards in the middle of the desert. I'm not trying to come off as some big tough guy, I'm far from it, but I came up in a time when you had to stand up for yourself and we were encouraged never to back down from bullies. Not like kids today and look at what is happening: Rampant suicide, school shootings, group assaults, rampant drug abuse, and everything else that goes along with mislead youth in a society that has been turned upside down. There is no longer religion, no longer holidays, no longer individual cultures, no longer anything that has any meaning. Half the country doesn't work, half the country aren't citizens, half the country is on drugs and it is all considered acceptable by the freak establishment.
So the challenge is put to all of you out there who still care and who want to go back to the way it once was before. There was once a world we held in high esteem and for the youth, at least, there was the illusion of something worth living for and striving to become the best and finding that which they are great at and having a fulfilling life. It can still exist despite the societal pollution suffocating us. Why can't kids go to school to learn and move forward. That is what it is about, that is what life is about. To use your God given gifts to enrich the world around you and if there is a bully getting in the way put the bully on his ass and move on past him or her. The bullying involves girls as well and in my opinion girls can be even more brutal to each other than guys. And if all this internet nonsense doesn't stop then take the teenagers laptop and throw it out the window and get in their face and tell them to shape up. SHAPE UP! Get your shit together and stop acting like a whiny, promiscuous, pot head and start building up those around you instead of tearing them down. Start giving back to society instead of adding to the decay of this miserable landfill it is becoming. I'm just plain sick of it and I know millions out there are also. Now I'm worked up.
So the challenge is put to all of you out there who still care and who want to go back to the way it once was before. There was once a world we held in high esteem and for the youth, at least, there was the illusion of something worth living for and striving to become the best and finding that which they are great at and having a fulfilling life. It can still exist despite the societal pollution suffocating us. Why can't kids go to school to learn and move forward. That is what it is about, that is what life is about. To use your God given gifts to enrich the world around you and if there is a bully getting in the way put the bully on his ass and move on past him or her. The bullying involves girls as well and in my opinion girls can be even more brutal to each other than guys. And if all this internet nonsense doesn't stop then take the teenagers laptop and throw it out the window and get in their face and tell them to shape up. SHAPE UP! Get your shit together and stop acting like a whiny, promiscuous, pot head and start building up those around you instead of tearing them down. Start giving back to society instead of adding to the decay of this miserable landfill it is becoming. I'm just plain sick of it and I know millions out there are also. Now I'm worked up.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
How many of you have been in a public bathroom, at work, at the gym, at the coffee shop, at the ball game, at school and noticed somebody using the toilet or urinal and completing their business and then zipping or pulling up and heading out without washing fitfully their hands? It is something that I have seen happening more and more these days and I am the type to notice such indescretions because when it comes to hygiene I am fanatical and I expect others to be so as well. Our culture involves disgusting practices for example, "the handshake," which in my opinion is one of the most wretched things I have to participate in to be accepted in this society. I am repulsed by having to shake hands with the fetid public.
Not long ago I was in a bathroom using the urinal, relieving myself of around two pots of coffee when I heard a guy using the stall letting it all go. By the tremendous passage of gas I assumed he was doing the #2. He had already been in the stall by the time I entered the bathroom and was finishing up as I was heading to the sink to ferociously wash my hands. This character finished his the #2 used only about one or two slices of toilet paper, flushed, exited the stall and exited the bathroom without washing his hands. I still feel nauseous thinking about it and you should also because maybe you were one of the people whose hand he shook at some point afterward on that day. How many hands do you shake in a week and how many of those people religiously wash their hands after using the bathroom? From my observations I can tell you that more people than you wish to believe do not practice sufficient hygiene.
It seems to me that the poor hygiene goes hand in hand with the rapid decline of society that we are all witnessing on a regular basis. The video game culture, over eating to the point of obesity, the high crime (as a child we used to leave our doors unlocked and go into the market leaving the keys in the car. Can't do that anymore), over use of medication, rapidly growing government, over regulation, you name it, everything has changed from thirty to fifty years ago and it's changed for the worse and that includes people refusing to maintain proper bathroom hygiene and therefore etiquette. It is all correlated and along with this decline it has become a habit of those responsible for this decline to never take account for their actions. There was a time when people admitted their wrongs and took responsibility but not any more.
And do you realize that many of these people have significant others at home. Do their spouses know that they conduct themselves like slovens? Of course they know! They are as beastly and disgusting as their counterparts and their kids then think it is OK to be a non-hand washing wiper and you have feces stains on door handles, chair arms, table surfaces, computer keyboards, the coffee pot handle, pens and rulers, books and files. Everything you touch during the day has at some point been touched by someone else. Now that you are thinking in the right direction maybe the next time you are in the bathroom, if you are one of those whom I speak of, you will think twice before leaving the bathroom without a proper foaming and rinsing.
There is a pizza place where one of the employees was one day making the pizzas that were ordered, including those called in over the phone, and he wore rubber gloves to keep his hands off the pizza. Very professional. He then rang up customers still wearing the rubber gloves and went back to making pizzas. Then at some point he went into the bathroom, took a substantial amount of time so you can imagine what he was doing, exited the bathroom wearing the rubber gloves and returned to the kitchen area and continued making pizzas, still wearing the same rubber gloves. This I'm afraid is a true story, and if you think something similar hasn't happened to you, you are as naive as I was until I worked in a food establishment in college and witnessed an employee spitting into a cup of someones cafe late and then covering the spit with foam. This was done because the customer had complained about something or other, I don't remember. I rambled on a bit and got off the subject but the point is that something has to be done about the pandemic of poor bathroom etiquette.
Not long ago I was in a bathroom using the urinal, relieving myself of around two pots of coffee when I heard a guy using the stall letting it all go. By the tremendous passage of gas I assumed he was doing the #2. He had already been in the stall by the time I entered the bathroom and was finishing up as I was heading to the sink to ferociously wash my hands. This character finished his the #2 used only about one or two slices of toilet paper, flushed, exited the stall and exited the bathroom without washing his hands. I still feel nauseous thinking about it and you should also because maybe you were one of the people whose hand he shook at some point afterward on that day. How many hands do you shake in a week and how many of those people religiously wash their hands after using the bathroom? From my observations I can tell you that more people than you wish to believe do not practice sufficient hygiene.
It seems to me that the poor hygiene goes hand in hand with the rapid decline of society that we are all witnessing on a regular basis. The video game culture, over eating to the point of obesity, the high crime (as a child we used to leave our doors unlocked and go into the market leaving the keys in the car. Can't do that anymore), over use of medication, rapidly growing government, over regulation, you name it, everything has changed from thirty to fifty years ago and it's changed for the worse and that includes people refusing to maintain proper bathroom hygiene and therefore etiquette. It is all correlated and along with this decline it has become a habit of those responsible for this decline to never take account for their actions. There was a time when people admitted their wrongs and took responsibility but not any more.
And do you realize that many of these people have significant others at home. Do their spouses know that they conduct themselves like slovens? Of course they know! They are as beastly and disgusting as their counterparts and their kids then think it is OK to be a non-hand washing wiper and you have feces stains on door handles, chair arms, table surfaces, computer keyboards, the coffee pot handle, pens and rulers, books and files. Everything you touch during the day has at some point been touched by someone else. Now that you are thinking in the right direction maybe the next time you are in the bathroom, if you are one of those whom I speak of, you will think twice before leaving the bathroom without a proper foaming and rinsing.
There is a pizza place where one of the employees was one day making the pizzas that were ordered, including those called in over the phone, and he wore rubber gloves to keep his hands off the pizza. Very professional. He then rang up customers still wearing the rubber gloves and went back to making pizzas. Then at some point he went into the bathroom, took a substantial amount of time so you can imagine what he was doing, exited the bathroom wearing the rubber gloves and returned to the kitchen area and continued making pizzas, still wearing the same rubber gloves. This I'm afraid is a true story, and if you think something similar hasn't happened to you, you are as naive as I was until I worked in a food establishment in college and witnessed an employee spitting into a cup of someones cafe late and then covering the spit with foam. This was done because the customer had complained about something or other, I don't remember. I rambled on a bit and got off the subject but the point is that something has to be done about the pandemic of poor bathroom etiquette.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Where do the weekends go? Those two days where you can pretend that the world doesn't exist and you can barricade yourself into your compound with only a television, your guns, your kid, some toys and plenty of Mexican takeout to last until Monday morning. What happened to a society that works solely for the weekend. Monday morning you walk into the office, the construction site, the courtroom, arena, wherever it is you earn your living and ask your fellow co-workers, "How was your weekend?" The most common response will be, "Too damn short!" Or you may ask, "How are you?" And you will get, "I was great until I had to come back to this place." And many of you are just like Grumpy Bob, miserable and moaning about the crappy job where you'd rather stick your finger in the nearest socket than have to put in another year of underpaid hell. How do we as hard working people across the globe find that which we love to do? How many out there truly do work that they actually love to do, when they are alone in their homes or apartments, away from the eyes of co-workers, friends and bosses who are always judging, what do they really think?
I know how people really are, they are three shades of crazy and two minutes from walking down to the nearest rooftop nightclub and doing a belly flop onto Park Avenue South. The drugs and promiscuous sex with everyone they meet is no longer making the nut. That vigor and mystery and feel good all the time has grown boring and despair and loneliness has replaced it. Every day they trudge into work and listen to some parrot boss with a stiff neck and pot full of piss tell them they are worthless schmucks who should go find work as a Barista or street sweeper. A fry cook at McDonalds for $6.25 an hour is too honorable. These people who show up at the bar on Friday night dressed to the nines, laughing at all the right punch lines and sipping the neon blue drink with the strobe light ice cubes, trying to hide the cut marks on their arms after laying on the bed crying in their tiny little Hoboken apartment because their life sucks but they want you to think they are killing it out there in the game of life. The game of life where 1 and 99,000,000 make it worth a fleeting glance and the rest get slaughtered right there in the street. I've seen a thousand fall and a thousand get reamed big time and become so vulnerable and flaky that some loaf is critical of their socks and they crumble. The depraved and despondent in the work force are sitting behind nearly every cubicle ready to rip off the tie, out of the blue, leap over the cubicle wall and make a full on sprint out of the office. If you are one of those people who are standing on the ledge of life, peering off into the abyss you call your future and wonder where in the hell you went wrong and everyone else did it right, you have to realize that most people are actually like you. Most people have something eating away at them but they are too scared or embarrassed or proud to put it out there. You have to find that magic that is inside of you and break out of the mold that everyone seems to fall into. A soul that gives up lofty dreams for modest pursuits enters into the masses.
I know how people really are, they are three shades of crazy and two minutes from walking down to the nearest rooftop nightclub and doing a belly flop onto Park Avenue South. The drugs and promiscuous sex with everyone they meet is no longer making the nut. That vigor and mystery and feel good all the time has grown boring and despair and loneliness has replaced it. Every day they trudge into work and listen to some parrot boss with a stiff neck and pot full of piss tell them they are worthless schmucks who should go find work as a Barista or street sweeper. A fry cook at McDonalds for $6.25 an hour is too honorable. These people who show up at the bar on Friday night dressed to the nines, laughing at all the right punch lines and sipping the neon blue drink with the strobe light ice cubes, trying to hide the cut marks on their arms after laying on the bed crying in their tiny little Hoboken apartment because their life sucks but they want you to think they are killing it out there in the game of life. The game of life where 1 and 99,000,000 make it worth a fleeting glance and the rest get slaughtered right there in the street. I've seen a thousand fall and a thousand get reamed big time and become so vulnerable and flaky that some loaf is critical of their socks and they crumble. The depraved and despondent in the work force are sitting behind nearly every cubicle ready to rip off the tie, out of the blue, leap over the cubicle wall and make a full on sprint out of the office. If you are one of those people who are standing on the ledge of life, peering off into the abyss you call your future and wonder where in the hell you went wrong and everyone else did it right, you have to realize that most people are actually like you. Most people have something eating away at them but they are too scared or embarrassed or proud to put it out there. You have to find that magic that is inside of you and break out of the mold that everyone seems to fall into. A soul that gives up lofty dreams for modest pursuits enters into the masses.
WHERE THE EAGLES FLY - A submarine crew is ambushed off the coast of Norway.
A submarine crew is ambushed off the coast of Norway. The second in command is killed and the captain survives while the fate of the remainder of the crew is unknown. He goes into hiding under an assumed name but after a few years his past seemingly catches up to him. Now he is in a race against the clock to figure out who is after him and why they want him dead. It is a fast-paced, jaw-clenching page turner that takes the reader across multiple countries, twists and turns in this pulse-pounding thriller.
This novel is available for Kindle on for the affordable price of $2.99. It's a great buy for any lover of high octane, suspense thrillers.
By Greg Evans
gregevansauthor (twitter name)
3 Years Earlier
Compressed air began flowing from the air flasks into the
main ballast tanks and the seawater was forced out as the submarine’s overall
density became lower than the volume of the surrounding ocean, the hydroplanes
angled up at fifteen degrees allowing the giant teardrop hull shaped mechanical
beast to come to the surface at positive buoyancy. A careful search for nearby
aircraft that may identify the vessel’s thermal scar by FLIR technology came up
negative. Captain Will Craig, as he always did, would exit the vessel for a
smoke and a breath of fresh air while awaiting the tugs to guide them into
dock. The ballistic missile submarine, a SSBN/SSGN was in the U.S. Navy’s Ohio
Fleet at 170 meters long with a beam of 13 meters, able to hold a crew of 155,
(140 enlisted and 15 officers). Its maximum speed reached 20+ knots and had a
water displacement of 18,450 long tons submerged. It was the perfect vessel for
transporting the world’s two most deadly bombs.
One mile off
the Finnmark coastline of Sørøya, Norway at approximately 70, 35’N; 22, 44’E,
the sub was a terrific sight. Captain Will Craig turned the wheel unlocking the
2nd hatch and waited as the automated mechanism clicked and clanked
releasing the bolt on the first hatch. Will pulled the latch and released the
door pushing it out. The thirty-six degree salty air rushed in and Will
breathed in deep. At 42, standing at 6’1”, lean with close-cropped brown hair,
dark brown eyes, a relatively large nose and round head, Will commanded
attention. Stepping out from the sail onto the hull, the cool, yellow arctic
sun illuminated his face and his eyes momentarily needed to adjust to the
brightness. He removed a cigar from his shirt pocket along with a butane
wind-proof lighter and lit the Havana he been looking forward to enjoying once
outside the claustrophobic confines of the vessel. Executive Officer Mark Jones
exited through the sail next lighting one of his repugnant smelling Gauloises
cigarettes he had shipped to him by the carton from Greece every couple of
weeks back in the states. Mark had sandy yellow hair, also close-cropped, and a
strange a tightness of skin as if it was stretched over his elongated skull
though had difficulty properly fitting. His peculiar looks attributed to the
exotic appearance which the women found rather alluring.
“This is
paradise!” Will said, “Cold, forsaken, lonely, a place where nature is still
pure and feral.”
“I’m partial to deserts myself,” Mark
said which was paradoxical considering, at 42, he had spent half his life darting underneath the oceans in some of the world’s
most spectacular submarines. Will only grunted; he hated deserts, too dry, too
Treachery, murder, mystery and page turning excitement to get you through that long plane or train ride, or a treat for which to hunker down in a hammock on a white sandy beach at the ends of the universe and lose yourself for a while. A masterly novel of suspense and intrigue for any lover of fiction.
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